Henning Henningsen

Henning Henningsen

I grew up from the 7th grade on with a camera in my hand and a dream about flying. My best friend's mother was a pilot and provided the original inspiration for me to get my own pilot's license. Another teacher inspired me to get involved with 35mm photography and video by teaching me how to develop my own film and print pictures for the school newspaper and yearbook.

I kept at this throughout high school and enjoyed being creative in the dark room and chasing people around with a camera. I did school sports, group shots, clubs, drama, and many a portrait. I was a teenage paparazzi and loved it! In college I kept my skills sharp by taking pictures for friends and photographing various weddings and other special occasions.

Aviation was always a natural subject for me, with annual pilgrimages to the EAA fly-in as well as other air shows. Later in life, my wife got tired of me coming home with dozens of rolls of 35mm film from a shoot and suggested that I go digital. I smiled and never looked back. I upgraded to a Nikon D200 and was amazed at what it could do. By that time I had just finished my instrument rating and had met more people at the Waukesha airport who were enjoying the passion of my photography habit. By hanging around Area 51, and joining the CAF, I've had the opportunnity to both meet and fly with some extraordinary people. These relationships continue to open up exciting and rewarding opportunities that I'm blessed to enjoy. I offer many thanks to those who have helped me get some incredible shots for the 2 EAA photo contests, as well as other pictures that have been published in EAA's Warbirds & Sport Aviation magazines, and Australia's Flightpath.

My other hobbies include flying the CAF PT26, Sports and Scouting with my children, and the occasional cross-country ski race.

Photos submitted by Henning won in several categories of the 2008 EAA Warbird Photo Contest. The winning photos were published in the July 2008 issue of Warbirds magazine. His submissions and the winning photos are shown below.

Henning lives in Pewaukee, Wisconsin.


Explore some of Henning's photos from our website by clicking the play arrow, or click on the square in the upper right hand corner to go to full screen. Once on the page, click play. To return to this page, click upper right hand button again. In full screen mode, you can double click the image to get a close-up view.

Henning Henningsen's 2008 EAA Warbird Photo Contest Submissions
Photo by Henning Henningsen